There's a saying: take stomach 36, it always fits, no matter what's missing. It is also called the "point of longevity" or "the point of a hundred diseases".
According to stories, Chinese soldiers would massage this point every three miles to build up energy and continue marching.
Stomach 36 is one of the most important points of acupuncture. He is a jack of all trades with a very wide range of applications, strong effects and a multitude of positive effects. It is assigned to the element earth and is located about 4 finger widths below the kneecap, in the depression between the tibia and the tibia muscle.
Application: Massage this point with small circular movements for about 30 seconds with medium pressure. Treat the point three to four times a day in the case of acute symptoms, the frequency can be increased. Trust your feelings!
Effect: This point has an invigorating effect on the entire stomach meridian, reduces pain and swelling, harmonises the stomach, regulates and strengthens the Qi, activates the Yang and nourishes the Yin, has a balancing and harmonizing effect on fears and worries (worries hit the stomach) and irritability and volatility it calms the mind and brightens the eyes.
The point of "longevity" helps to support and balance the following complaints:
high blood pressure
knee and leg pain
lack of appetite
Do not use during pregnancy! Stomach 36 – the super point.